- 2024第二十屆中國(國際)調味品及食品配料博覽會
- 開展時間:2024/11/16
- 展館名稱:中國進出口商品交易會展館(琶洲展館)
- (不久前)2012中國調味品展 專業觀眾循環邀請在成都拉開序幕
- (不久前)“精準定位,穩中求勝”2012中國調味品展——透過展會,解讀行業
- (不久前)2012中國調味品展,品牌(調味品)企業hold不住
- (不久前)CFE2011 欲打造品牌展會
- (不久前)CFE2011鏈接經銷商國際企業接軌
協會的主要任務是:在政府主管部門的指導下開展工作,在協會會員和政府之間發揮橋梁和紐帶作用,既 反映調味品行業的愿望和要求,為企業服務,又接受政府部門委托做好行業管理工作,推動調味品行業發展。
According to the principle of volunteerparticipation and equality and mutual benefit,China Condiment Industrial Association(CCIA) is consisted of the enterprises and institutions which manufacture and manage soysauce,vinegar,sauce,pickles,fermented bean curd,millet wine and so or.It is a national,nonprofited organization that is transregional,transdepartmental and with no ownership.And it is a nation first class association which has the qualification of legal person,The purpose of the CCIA is to improve the level of the management and technology of condiment industry.Its main task is to build a bridge between the government and the member of the CCIA.It can not only reflect the aspiration and demand of the condiment industry but also receive the commit of the government to work for the trades management and promote the condiment industry.